Location: North Front Range
Length*: 10.05mi
S End: Jct US 287 north of Fort Collins
N End: Jct I-25 Exit 278 at Wellington (east side frontage road)
Counties: Larimer
Places: Wellington
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 8600 at US 287
- 5800 north of CR 54
- 4000 north of CR 60
- 5500 at 1st St. in Wellington
- 8700 at I-25
Just a typical two-lane road that gets a lot of use by
people going from Wellington to Fort Collins to work or
shop. It basically "stairsteps", using sections lines, going
north, then east, then north, then east.
SH 1 is an original 1920s cross-state highway. From New
Mexico, it followed the current alignment of US 85-87 to
through Trinidad, Pueblo and Colorado Springs to Monument,
then went along the current Spruce Mountain Road through
Palmer Lake and Larkspur. It followed current I-25 then to
Castle Rock, then up US 85 on Santa Fe Drive. It then went
three short blocks east on Iowa Street, up Broadway to
downtown Denver, northwest on 23rd, west on 38th Ave., then
north on Federal Blvd. It followed current US 287 north to
Fort Collins, SH 1 to Wellington, county roads north to the
I-25 Carr exit, then north via current I-25 to Wyoming. SH 1
was paved in its entirety by 1938. By 1949 SH 1 bypassed
Greenhorn and Crow to the east, and was routed east of
Palmer Lake and Larkspur by 1950. By 1954, SH 1 had its
north end at Fort Collins, because the Fort
Collins-Wellington section had been turned back. The Fort
Collins-Wellington section was resurrected by 1957. The 1968
purge scaled SH 1 back to the Fort Collins-Wellington
routing only. SH 1's south terminus with US 287 was
realigned in 1997, moving it to a new intersection about 500
feet further northwest up 287.
Various US highways have used SH 1 over years. See
US 85, US
87, US 287 and
US 185 for more
history on those routes. See also SH
Location: Metro Denver
Length*: 19.88mi
S End: Jct US 285 at Colorado Blvd./Hampden Ave. in
southeast Denver
N End: Jct I-76 Exit 16 south of Brighton
Counties: Denver, Arapahoe, Adams
Places: Denver, Glendale, Commerce City
NHS: I-25 north to US 6-85 north of I-270
Expressway: South of I-70 north to US 6-85 north
of I-270
Roadway Names:
- The north-south section in Denver is Colorado
- Section concurrent with US 6-85 is Vasquez
Milepost Guide:
- 0.00: US 285/Hampden Ave., Denver (begin SH 2 in Denver County)
- 2.12: I-25 Exit 204 interchange
- 2.93: Begin Denver/Arapahoe County split
- 4.14: End Denver/Arapahoe split, enter Denver County
- 4.38: SH 83/Leetsdale Dr.
- 5.99: US 40-287/BL I-70/Colfax Ave.
- 8.73: I-70 Exit 276 interchange
- 9.49: Enter Adams County
- 9.84: South jct US 6/US 85 interchange, Commerce City
- 10.86: North jct US 6/US 85 interchange
- 17.75: SH 44/104th Ave.
- 19.88: I-76 Exit 16 interchange
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
Starting at Colorado and Hampden at US 285 on the
Denver/Cherry Hills Village line, SH 2 heads north via
Colorado Blvd., through a partial cloverleaf at I-25 Exit
204, and north through I-70 Exit 276B. For much of the
distance Colorado Blvd. is six lanes wide with left turn
lanes that come and go. Some areas there are continuous left
turn lanes, while other areas are divided with turn lanes
only at intersections. Colorado Boulevard is a major
north-south arterial on Denver's east side, and is choked
with traffic and signals. The drive on it can be either fast
and fun or slow and excruciating depending on time of day,
traffic levels and signal timing.
of I-70, SH 2 becomes more of an expressway, and goes through a partial
interchange at US 6-85 (Vasquez Blvd.), where it merges with those
routes. There is then a cloverleaf at I-270 Exit 2, and then has
another partial interchange again at the north junction with US 6-85.
From US 6-85, SH 2 heads northeast by itself through Commerce City,
paralleling I-76 on I-76's southeast side, and bordering the west side
of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal for part of the way. This stretch of road
has no name other than the highway number. SH 2 then ends at I-76 Exit
16 (Sable Blvd interchange), due south of downtown Brighton. Photo Gallery:
- NB
SH 2 at I-70. Northbound SH 2/Colorado Blvd.
approaching the I-70 interchange. Due to construction at
Smith Road, this sign structure no longer exists.
(October 1999)
- SH
2/120th Roundabout Sign. Northbound SH 2/Sable
Blvd. approaching the 120th Avenue roundabout, an interim
setup during reconstruction of the interchange. See
History below. The sign is displaying which legs of
the roundabout are what routes. At 11 o'clock is "NORTH
SH2", 8 o'clock is "WEST 120TH", and 5 o'clock is "EAST
120TH". On the right side of the picture you can see the
now-defunct bridge for old Exit 17. The bridge was
substandard so I'm not missing it. The roundabout itself
was taken out in September 2000 and replaced with a
four-way stop. (October 1999)
The original 1920s SH 2 was the highway that went across the
northern part of the state. Coming east, it followed current
US 40 from Utah all the way to metro Denver, where it then
jumped on Colfax Ave. and took that east to downtown. From
there, it was north on Broadway to Brighton Blvd., then that
northeast to Vasquez Blvd. (current US 6-85 through Commerce
City), and then northeast, finally taking US 85 northeast
out of the metro area up toward Greeley. From Greeley, it
went east on current US 34 to Wiggins, where it picked up US
6 east to Fort Morgan then to Sterling, then US 138
northeast into Nebraska.
Various US highways have used SH 2 over the years. For
more information, see US 6, US
40, US 38, US
40N, and US 85 for
histories on those highways.
By 1946, SH 2 was rerouted northeast of Denver so that
instead of going through Greeley it went from Commerce City
northeast through Hudson to Wiggins. By 1950 it was
realigned in Denver, using Colfax Ave. east to Colorado
Blvd., and that north to Vasquez Blvd., then northeast. In
the 1968 purge, SH 2 was scaled back to only the metro
Denver routing, from US 285 north to I-80S, taking
over SH 153's routing from Colfax south to Hampden.
According to CDOT route logs, sometime before 1971, SH 35
came into the system. Officially SH 35 had SH 2's alignment
from Quebec Street northeast to I-76, but I doubt it was
marked as such. By 1972, 35 was scaled back, and SH 2 was
extended back up to I-76. SH 2 existed as this road from US
285 to I-76 from 1972 up until Spring 1998, when SH 2 was
again extended. Sable Blvd from I-76 north to SH 7 in Brighton had previously been marked as
SH 51, but CDOT decided it would be better marked as
an extension of SH 2. SH 51 was remarked as SH 2
sometime between March and July 1998. Mileposts on Sable
were not changed for the extension, so SH 2 had its mileposts reset to 0 as it went through the I-76 interchange.
Work started in Summer 1998 on a much-needed improvement
to the SH 2/I-76/120th Avenue area. SH 2 south of I-76 was
closed for almost a year, and the two separate trumpet
interchanges for SH 2 and Sable Blvd. were replaced with a
new single diamond interchange, which opened in September
1999. The configuration of the interchange from September
1999 to September 2000 included a roundabout at Sable and
120th, which was apparently part of the ultimate plan.
However, in September 2000 the roundabout was ripped out and
replaced with an intersection with stop signs all the way
around. My thinking is that the roundabout was hard to
negotiate by truckers, as there is a large truck stop on
Sable just north of 120th. In September 2001 the new bridge
for 120th over I-76 opened (a very large, impressive
structure), and a signal put in at 120th and Sable, bringing
the project essentially to completion.
Here're maps to help with the explanation:
If you ask me, what I have shown for September 2001 is
what they should have built in the first place in the 1960s.
The Pre-1998 setup was a substandard, confusing mess.
Bridges over I-76 were narrow and low, ramp configurations
caused weaving problems on I-76 and any direction you
wanted to go involved slow, sharp turns. The first time I
went through it I was taking 120th westbound from Tower to
US 85, and I just about got lost trying to follow 120th.
SH 2 changed again in summer 2010 when CDOT trimmed back SH 2
to end at the I-76 interchange. Sable Blvd from I-76 to SH 7 was turned
back to Brighton, as the roadway had taken on more of a city street
feel as Brighton expanded southward.
Location: North Front Range
Alignment: From the Wyoming border south along
current US 85
The original 1920s SH 3 was the roadway from Greeley
north through Ault to the border south of Cheyenne. In
Greeley it used 8th Ave. from 18th St. north to 9th St.,
west to 11th Ave., then north out of town. It was paved
north to Ault by 1932, and to Wyoming by 1936. By 1946 SH 2
had been rerouted northeast of Denver so that it didn't go
through Greeley, and SH 3 was extended south through
Brighton to Denver. See also US
85, because after 1926, SH 3 served as US
85's carrier route and nothing else. Eliminated in the 1968
Location: Durango
Length*: 2.44mi
SE End: Jct US 160-550 southeast of Durango
NW End: Jct US 160-550 in southeast Durango
Counties: La Plata
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 9600 at US 160-550 (southeast)
- 9100 south of 8th Ave./Santa Rita Dr.
- 7300 at US 160-550 (northwest)
From southeast of Durango, SH 3 goes off of US 160-550's
northeast side then parallels it toward town, hugging the north hillside of the Animas River valley. As US 160-550
bypasses Durango to the south, SH 3 goes north into town
on 8th Avenue. But just south of 2nd Street, SH 3 takes a
turn to the left then heads southwest on Santa Rita Dr. That heads back out to US 160-550,
where SH 3 ends.
No signing exists for SH 3 except a couple signs at the southeast end.
Old route of US 160-550 southeast of Durango. The 160-550
bypass was completed by 1982, SH 3 was given its old route.
At first however, SH 3 ended with a dangling end at 8th
Avenue and 2nd Street. It was extended along Santa Rita Dr. back out to US 160-US 550 in September 2002.
It would make more sense to have it marked as a business
Location: Western Slope > Central Mountains
> South Front Range > Eastern Plains
Alignment: Utah to Kansas via US 24
The original 1920s SH 4 went all the way across the
state. It is current I-70/US 6-50 from Utah to Grand
Junction, and then follows I-70/US 6 (historic US 6-24) east
via Parachute, Glenwood Springs and Eagle, to where it hits
US 24 at Minturn, and then went all the way to Kansas on
current US 24 through Leadville, Buena Vista, Woodland Park,
Colorado Springs, Limon and Burlington. By 1936 SH 4
was paved from Utah to Glenwood Springs, from Dotsero to
Leadville, and Woodland Park to Kansas. Paved in its
entirety by 1939. For more on the US highways that have used
SH 4, see US
6, US
24, US
40, US 40N, US 40S, and US 46.
Eliminated in the 1968 purge.
Location: North Front Range
Alignment: I-25 to US 85 via Carr
Original 1920s state highway. It was a very short route
which went from US 87 (current I-25) near the Wyoming border
east through Carr and ending at US 85. Kinda a piddly little
route to give a one-digit number. Deleted by 1939.
Location: North Front Range
Alignment: Started at SH 259 (today's SH 257)
north of Windsor and headed due east through Severance,
Eaton, and ending as a spur east of US 85 at Galeton
Location: Southeast Denver
Alignment: From ??Iliff Avenue?? southeast to Hampden
Avenue (SH 70) via ??Syracuse Way??
Appears on the CDH map Denver insert for only one year:
Location: Central Mountains
Length*: 14.89mi
N End: Jct SH 103 south of Idaho Springs
S End: Top of Mount Evans
Counties: Clear Creek
Sections Closed in Winter: From Summit Lake to the
top of Mount Evans. The closure usually is October to May but can vary widely
from year to year, so check the CDOT
CoTrip site for current info.
Roadway Names: Mount Evans Highway
Scenic & Historic Byway: Mount Evans
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008): 380
SH 5 goes up Mount Evans south of Idaho Springs. It starts at SH 103 at
Echo Lake, already at a high 10,600 ft. SH 5 then heads generally
south, but twisting and turning all over the place as needed because of
the terrain. It eventually reaches Summit Lake at 12,800 ft, a
shimmering alpine lake on the north slope of Mount Evans. SH 5 then
veers around to the south side of the mountain and begins a
switchback-filled climb directly up the side of the mountain.
At the top of the road, SH 5 reaches a parking area at 14,130
ft. Crest House, a former gift shop, is used as a viewing platform.
Rest rooms are available, and the University of Denver's observatory is
also at the top. However, the true summit of Mount Evans is another
130' above the parking area. A rocky foot path climbs to the summit at
14,264 ft. There are very few places in the world with that stunning a
view which are easily accessible.
Alpine wildlife is abundant, including mountain goats, bighorn
sheep, ravens, marmots and chipmunks. Summer never really arrives at
the top, with temperatures not often exceeding 60F, even in August. But
storms can blow up suddenly. Lightning? Get back in he car!
The top of SH 5 is the highest paved road in North America.
Grades exceed 10% in places on it, and the tight curves and narrow
width make taking anything larger than a passenger vehicle up not a
good idea. There is no striping above Summit Lake, and the pavement is
less than two lanes wide in places. And there is no guardrail. From
Idaho Springs to the top back to Idaho Springs can take 2+ hours.
Even though SH 5 is a state highway, the road is on Arapaho National
Forest land and leased to CDOT by the US Forest Service. There is a
USFS fee station after the SH 103 intersection. However, the fee is
only for USFS facilities; if you plan on only driving on the road, you
can get a free pass at the station. If you are going to use USFS
facilities (such as at Summit Lake), then the fees are:
- 1-12 people in vehicle: $10
- 13-40 people in vehicle: $25
- 41+ in vehicle: $40
- Motorcyclist/Bicyclist/Hiker: $3
Photo Gallery:
- Watch That First Step, It's a Doozy. And don't let go of the steering wheel. (August 2004)
- Switchback. One of SH 5's tight switchbacks as it climbs up the south face of Mount Evans. This one is near Milepost 12. (August 2004)
- Mount Evans Summit.
Looking northeast from the summit of Mount Evans. 130' below is the
parking area, Crest House and University of Denver observatory.
As you might expect, being at one of the highest points in North
America lends itself to a good view. (August 2004)
The road up Mount Evans was originally part of SH 103.
In 1954 the Mount Evans road was briefly taken off the state highway
system and SH 103 rerouted east to Squaw Pass. The next year, 1955, the
Mount Evans road was put back on the state highway system as SH 5.
State maps show that it
was paved in its entirety by 1960, but Jim Adolphson recalls
it not being paved yet from Summit Lake to the top in the
early 1970s. There is also a USGS quad from 1974 which
appears to show it not yet paved from Summit Lake up, so the
year SH 5 was entirely paved is unknown.
A controversy regarding the U.S. Forest Service fee station
blew up in spring 2007. From the late 1990s to the 2006 season, the
USFS had been charging every vehicle that passed through the fee
station the $10+ fee. CDOT said they only just discovered this in late
2006. CDOT was under the understanding that when the fee program began
the fee was only for users of USFS facilities and that the USFS was not
supposed to be charging people for simply driving on the road. CDOT was
not happy when they learned that everyone was being charged. Rather
than wait for the USFS to figure out how to handle the situation, CDOT
promised that before the road opened for the 2007 season signs would be
installed near the fee station informing motorists that no fee was
required for simply driving on the road. (Note: As of June 2007 I don't know whether the signs were installed or not.)
Location: Western Slope > Central Mountains
> South Front Range > Arkansas Valley
Alignment: Grand Junction to Kansas via current US 50
Original 1920s highway. Went from Utah east to Kansas
via Grand Junction, Montrose, Ca�on City, Pueblo and
La Junta. By 1936 it was paved from Utah to Montrose and
Ca�on City to Kansas. By 1938 it was paved in its
entirety except for Monarch Pass, which was paved by 1946.
50 took over all of SH 6's route in 1926.
Eliminated in the 1968 purge.
Location: Central Western Slope > Central
Mountains > Metro Denver > Northeastern Plains
Length*: 235.78mi signed; 467.28mi implied
W End: Utah
border on unmarked overlap with I-70 west of Fruita
E End: Nebraska
border east of Holyoke (link to Chris Geelhart's
Nationally: W End: Jct US 395 in Bishop, California;
E End: Tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts (3205mi)
Counties: Mesa, Garfield, Eagle, Summit, Clear
Creek, Jefferson, Denver, Adams, Weld, Morgan, Washington,
Logan, Phillips
Places: Fruita, Grand Junction, Palisade, De Beque, Parachute, Rifle,
Silt, New Castle, Gypsum, Eagle, Edwards, Avon,
Silverthorne, Dillon, Loveland Pass, Clear Creek Canyon,
Golden, Lakewood, Denver, Commerce City, Wiggins, Hillrose,
Merino, Sterling, Fleming, Haxtun, Paoli, Holyoke
See my separate US 6 page
for the rest of the info.
Related Sites:
Location: North Mountains > North Front Range
> North Metro Denver
Length*: 76.98mi total; 57.77mi marked
NW End: Jct US 36 at N. St. Vrain and S. St. Vrain
avenues in Estes Park
SE End: Jct US 85 in Brighton
Counties: Larimer, Boulder, Adams, Broomfield,
Places: Estes Park, Allenspark, Lyons, Boulder,
Lafayette, Broomfield, Thornton, Brighton
Expressway/NHS: While concurrent with US 287 on
the west side of Lafayette.
Business Route:
Broken Route: Unmarked overlap with US 36 for
19.21mi* from Lyons to Arapahoe Ave in Boulder.
Milepost Guide:
- 0.00: US 36, Estes Park (begin SH
7 in Larimer County)
- 9.74: Enter Boulder County
- 14.91: BR SH 7, Allenspark
- 16.08: BR SH 7 east of Ferncliff
- 19.24: SH 72 north of Raymond
- 33.08: US 36, Lyons (end SH 7)
- 52.29: US 36/28th St., Boulder (begin SH 7 in Boulder County)
- 53.45: SH 157/Foothills Pkwy.,
- 59.29: SH 42 north of Louisville
- 60.68: North jct US 287,
- 61.87: South jct US 287,
- 64.38: Begin Boulder/Weld County split
- 64.85: Begin Weld/Broomfield County split
- 65.44: End Weld/Broomfield split, Enter Broomfield County
- 68.38: I-25 Exit 229 interchange east of
- 68.57: Enter Adams County
- 76.98: US 85 interchange, Brighton
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 10,900 at US 36, Estes Park
- 3300 south of Mary's Lake Rd.
- 1600 between the two BR SH 7 intersections,
- 1300 east of SH 72
- 3600 at US 36, Lyons
- 27,700 on Arapahoe Ave. east of US 36/28th St.
- 31,200 east of SH 157/Foothills Pkwy.
- 16,700 east of 63rd St.
- 15,200 west of US 287, Lafayette
- 27,300 on US 287/SH 7
- 18,200 east of US 287
- 16,800 east of 119th Street
- 22,400 east of I-25, Broomfield/Thornton
- 14,600 east of York St.
- 15,100 west of US 85, Brighton
Roadway Names:
- Estes Park south to SH 72 is part of the Peak to Peak
- US 36 in east Boulder to US 287 in northwest
Lafayette is Arapahoe Avenue (this is routinely misnamed as Arapahoe Road)
- US 287 in west Lafayette to I-25 is Baseline
- York Street to US 85 is 160th Avenue
Scenic & Historic Byways: Peak to Peak (Estes Park to SH 72)
From US 36, SH 7 heads south as South Saint Vrain Avenue through south
Estes Park. After leaving town it goes south through the foothills to
Allenspark and Ferncliff. At Raymond, 7 hits SH 72's north end and
curves east via South St. Vrain Creek to Lyons. The section from
Raymond to Lyons is through a narrow, curvy canyon with a maximum speed
possible of about 40mph. SH 7 comes northeast into Lyons on 5th Ave,
and at Broadway meets US 36. When SH 7 hits US 36 it disappears, but
continues as an unmarked overlap south on US 36. In Boulder, SH 7 appears again at the intersection of
Arapahoe Avenue and US 36/28th St. SH 7 goes east along Arapahoe Ave
through the east side of Boulder, has a massive stoplight intersection
at SH 157 (Foothills Parkway), and then heads east out of town.
Arapahoe Avenue east of Boulder is very busy, serving the suburbia in
the area. Next stop is Lafayette, where SH 7 meets US 287 on the
northwest corner of town, turning south along US 287 for 1.2mi. SH 7
then goes east on Baseline Road through downtown Lafayette and on
toward I-25, forming at times the north boundary of Broomfield and the
boundary between Weld and Adams counties.
SH 7 meets I-25 at the Exit 229 diamond interchange, on the
northern fringe of Thornton. East of the interchange SH 7 diagonals
south, then heads due east one mile south of the county line along
160th Ave. This section includes a 60mph speed limit and a railroad
underpass. It follows 160th all the way into Brighton, where it becomes
Bridge Street. On the west edge of downtown there is a diamond
interchange with US 85 featuring twin roundabouts at the bottom of the
ramps on SH 7. SH 7 ends there, while Bridge Street continues east into downtown.
Photo Gallery:
- Business SH 7.
Northwestbound at the turnoff for Ferncliff/Allenspark.
(January 1999)
- West of Lyons. Eastbound on SH 7 southwest of Lyons as the Saint Vrain canyon begins to open up. (October 2012)
- End SH 7 in Lyons.
Sign on the signal announces the end of this section of SH 7 in Lyons.
US 36 is coming from ahead and turning toward the right side of the
picture onto Broadway. (October 2012)
- Brighton Twin Roundabouts - West Side - East Side.
The SH 7/US 85 interchange in Brighton features twin roundabouts on SH
7 at the bottom of the US 85 ramps. The west roundabout not only serves
the ramps but also the west frontage roads, causing additional
entry/exit points on it. The east roundabout barely squeezes in in
between the US 85 overpass and downtown buildings. Photos by Phil
Demosthenes. A point to ponder: In the east roundabout, is the van
disappearing into a roundabout-induced wormhole, or is it just a
consequence of stitching together multiple photos?
Today's SH 7 is mostly what the original 1920s highway
looked like. SH 7 started as it does now in Estes Park, went
southeast as it does now to Lyons, and then south on current
US 36/unsigned SH 7 to Boulder, using Broadway south into downtown. From there, it was east to
Lafayette to end at US 87. SH 7 was paved from
Boulder to Lafayette by 1932 and additionally from Estes
Park to Lyons by 1936. SH 7 was extended from Lafayette east
through Brighton to US 6 (later I-76) by 1939, and that section was paved by
1946. By 1958 the Boulder east bypass along 28th Street to
SH 7 north of town was built, and since US 36 did not exist
in that area at that time it likely was marked as a second
leg of SH 7. US 36 was extended up the Boulder Turnpike and
commandeered SH 7's route to Lyons in 1968. The US 287
Lafayette Bypass was completed 1997, and changed the
segments which was overlapped with SH 7.
In Boulder, SH 7 used to head south from US 36 along Broadway
to Canyon Blvd, where it intersected SH 93 and 119. It then headed east
along Canyon with SH 119 to 28th St, south with US 36 to Arapahoe Ave,
then east as now. In late 2003 the section of SH 7 along Broadway was
turned back to the city. When the signing was finally changed in early
2006 the SH 7 signs were removed from Broadway as well as the signs
indicating the overlaps along Canyon Blvd and 28th St, so SH 7 had its
end in Boulder shifted from US 36/Broadway to US 36/Arapahoe.
In Brighton, SH 7 previously continued east from US 85 through
town on Bridge St, ending at I-76 east of town. There was no
interchange, instead SH 7 went over an overpass and ended at the
intersection with the east frontage road. Signs at the Lochbuie
interchange, one mile to the northeast, included "to SH 7" signage.
Bridge St west of I-76 took on more of a city street feel as Brighton
grew eastward, so CDOT turned it back to Brighton in summer 2010.
SH 7 between SH 72 and Lyons suffered flooding from South
Saint Vrain Creek on Sept 12-15, 2013, and was damaged or totally
destroyed in numerous areas. The road underwent emergency repairs and
reopened on November 26, 2013. It was the last of a dozen state
highways damaged by the flooding to reopen.
Upgrade SH 7 between Boulder and US 287 to four lanes.
Location: West Metro Denver
Length*: 8.68mi
SW End: Jct US 285 south of Morrison
NE End: Jct SH 121 at Morrison Rd./Wadsworth Blvd. in
Counties: Jefferson
Places: Morrison, Lakewood
Expressway: Five-lane undivided from SH 470 to
Kipling Parkway
Roadway Names: Morrison Road from Morrison to SH
Milepost Guide:
- 0.00: US 285 interchange south of Morrison (begin
SH 8 in Jefferson County)
- 2.14: SH 74, Morrison
- 2.88: SH 470 interchange east of Morrison
- 6.91: SH 391/Kipling Pkwy, Lakewood
- 8.68: SH 121/Wadsworth Blvd. (end SH 8)
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 4100 at US 285
- 4300 south of SH 74, Morrison
- 15,700 east of SH 74
- 12,400 west of SH 391/Kipling Pkwy., Lakewood
- 6900 at SH 121/Wadsworth Blvd.
SH 8's southwest end is at a trumpet interchange with US 285
south of Morrison. SH 8 then heads north to Morrison and
becomes Ceder Drive. At Bear Creek Avenue, SH 8 hits SH 74's
east end, and then heads east. It goes through a SH 470
interchange (SPUI!), and heads northeast as Morrison Road.
SH 8 ends at Wadsworth Blvd. (SH 121) in Lakewood.
Like SH 1, 2, and 10, today's SH 8 is what remains of one of
the original 1920s cross-state highways. SH 8 started at
SH 4 at the current US 24-285 intersection at Antero
Junction, headed northeast on US 285 into Denver, followed
its current routing, then went northeast on Morrison Road,
north on Wadsworth Ave. to Jewell Ave., east to Pierce St.,
north to Mississippi Ave., east to Morrison Road, northeast
to Alameda Ave., east to Broadway, north to Colfax Ave.,
then headed east out of town following US 40 all the way
through Byers, Limon and Kit Carson to Kansas. By 1932 SH 8
was paved from Morrison to Aurora, by 1936 paved from Bailey
all the way to Kansas, by 1939 southwest to Jefferson, and
in its entirety by 1946. By 1960, SH 8 used the Valley
Highway to get from Alameda Avenue to Colfax Avenue. For the
US highways that have used SH 8, see US
40, US 40S, US 46, and US
285. In the purge of 1968, SH 8 was trimmed back to what
it is now.
Location: Central Mountains > North
Length*: 138.92mi
S End: Jct US 50 in Parkdale
N End: Jct US 40 at 6th St./Park Ave. in Kremmling
Counties: Fremont, Park, Summit, Grand
Places: Parkdale, Guffey, Hartsel, Fairplay, Alma,
Hoosier Pass, Blue River, Breckenridge, Frisco,
Silverthorne, Green Mountain Reservoir, Kremmling
- While concurrent with US 285
- While concurrent with I-70
Freeway: While concurrent with I-70 from Exit
203 at Frisco to Exit 205 at Silverthorne.
Mountain Passes:
- North of Guffey: Currant Creek Pass (~9460ft)
- South of Breckenridge: Hoosier
Pass (11,541ft; 8% grade on north side).
Notes: CDOT plans to widen SH 9 to four lanes
between Frisco and Breckenridge, with the projects proceeding in
several phases northward from Breckenridge.
Scenic & Historic Byways:
- Gold Belt Tour (US 50 to High Park Road)

- Colorado River Headwaters (Trough Rd to US 40)

Milepost Guide:
- 0.00: US 50 (begin SH 9 in Fremont County)
- 18.17: Enter Park County
- 46.98: East jct US 24, Hartsel
- 47.58: West jct US 24, Hartsel
- 63.73: South jct US 285 south of Fairplay
- 64.67: North jct US 285, Fairplay
- 76.40: Enter Summit County, Hoosier Pass
- 97.23: South jct I-70 Exit 203 interchange,
- 101.56: North jct I-70/US 6 Exit 205 interchange,
- 127.43: Enter Grand County
- 138.92: Jct US 40 in Kremmling (end SH 9)
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 1500 at US 50
- 610 northwest of Guffey
- 1400 north of US 24
- 5100 northwest of US 285, Fairplay
- 3600 north of Alma
- 6200 north of Blue River Rd.
- 11,300 north of Village Rd, Breckenridge
- 17,000 north of Swan Mountain Rd.
- 23,800 south of I-70, Frisco
- 38,200 on I-70/SH 9
- 32,300 north of I-70, Silverthorne
- 6100 north of Hamilton Creek Rd
- 2800 north of Green Mountain Reservoir
- 3900 at US 40, Kremmling
Guide: SH 9 begins one mile east of Parkdale at US 50. It
goes northwest via Currant Creek and past Guffey. North of Guffey SH 9
passes briefly through Pike National Forest, in which it summits
Currant Creek Pass. It's a pass that is unmarked on most maps nor in
the field, but nonetheless is a major basin divide between the Arkansas
and South Platte. North of the pass SH 9 drops down into the South Park
valley, and hits US 24 at the crossroads town of Hartsel, where it has
a one-mile overlap westward with US 24.
SH 9 continues northwest via the flat valley of the Middle Fork of
the South Platte River, through the non-town of Garo then intersects US 285 a mile south
of Fairplay. SH 9 and US 285 head north together, then SH 9
breaks off and follows the South Platte northwest through
Fairplay and Alma. North of Alma SH 9 begins a straight
accent up Hoosier Pass, but on the decent on the north side of the pass it
has numerous switchbacks. SH 9 then picks up the Blue River
and heads north through the town of Blue River.
North from there SH 9 comes into Breckenridge and uses Park
Avenue, allowing through traffic to bypass congested Main Street to the
west. Park Avenue also skirts the east edge of Breckenridge's skiing
base area. SH 9 then continues following the Blue River north to
Frisco. SH 9 has its busiest rural section between Breckenridge and
Frisco. In Frisco, SH 9 heads through downtown, then out
northwest to I-70 at Exit 203, which has a roundabout on the
north side of the interchange. It goes along I-70 north to
Silverthorne/Dillon (a very well-marked overlap), exiting
I-70 at Exit 205. SH 9 then goes northwest along the Blue
River valley, past Green Mountain Reservoir, across something close to a desert, then and ends at 6th St.
and Park Ave. in Kremmling.
Photo Gallery:
- North of US 50. Northbound SH 9 about 3 miles north of US 50. (May 2013)
- Currant Creek Pass North Side.
The view looking down northbound SH 9 as it drops down Currant Creek
Pass. On the horizon is the Mosquito Range many, many miles to the
northwest near Leadville. (May 2013)
- South of Hartsel. Northbound SH 9 as it is in the southern reaches of the South Park valley about 9 miles south of US 24. (May 2013)
- US 24 Junction Approach. Signs on northbound SH 9 as it comes into Hartsel. (May 2013)
- Peak View Approaching US 285.
Northbound SH 9 approaching US 285 south of Fairplay. On the horizon
are 14ers Mount Democrat, Mount Bross, Mount Lincoln and Quandary Peak.
Photo by David Herrera. (September 2012)
- Interstate
Bike Route 76. An Interstate Bike Route 76 sign
on southbound SH 9 approaching US 285 in Fairplay.
Apparently this part of SH 9 is part of a long-distance
bike route, but I haven't seen any other signs for the
route in the area, so it's not marked very well.
(November 2003)
- US
285/SH 9 Signs. A marker assembly on southbound
SH 9 approaching US 285 in Fairplay. At the intersection
itself you can see a signal installation in progress.
(November 2003)
- Hoosier
Pass Marker. The US Forest Service marker and
CDOT distance sign at Hoosier Pass. (November 2003)
- Hoosier
Pass Summit. The view looking north on SH 9 from
the summit of Hoosier Pass. (November 2003)
- SH 9
at I-70, Silverthorne. Probably the best-marked
Interstate-SH overlap in the state. Southbound on SH 9 at
I-70 in Silverthorne. (June 2002)
- SH
9 North of Silverthorne. Northbound on SH 9 at
milepost 113, near Elk Run Road. (June 2003)
- Green
Mountain Reservoir. Looking north as SH 9 runs
beside Green Mountain Reservoir. (June 2003)
- Near-Desert
in Summit County? Northbound SH 9 at milepost
130. Looks an awful lot like the semi-arid desert of I-80
in southern Wyoming, which is not something you would
expect in Summit County. (June 2003)
SH 9 is an original 1920s highway. From Hartsel it went
north through Fairplay to Breckenridge to Frisco to
Kremmling. In 1939 SH 9 was extended south to US 50 at
Parkdale, then continued to Royal Gorge and then northeast
to Ca�on City. It was paved only from Fairplay to
Alma. By 1947 it was paved additionally from Hartsel to
By 1954, SH 9 had its south end chopped off so it ended
at Hartsel, and went north to Kremmling. It was paved from
Hartsel to Alma, Breckenridge to Silverthorne, and the
Summit/Grand County Line to Kremmling. By 1955 it was
extended southeast to Guffey, and was paved additionally a
little was northwest of Silverthorne. By 1957 SH 9 was
extended southeast from Guffey to Parkdale. By 1963 the only
section not paved was from Parkdale to Hartsel.
1970 the only section of SH 9 not paved was near Guffey, which was
paved by 1980. I-70 between Frisco and Silverthorne was completed by
1971, and SH 9 was moved off of Dillon Dam Road to I-70 the same time.
In Breckenridge SH 9 was moved from congested Main Street to Park
Avenue in conjunction with a reconstruction project in summer 2005. |
Location: South Front Range > Arkansas
Length*: 71.96mi
W End: Jct I-25/US 160 Exit 50 at Walsenburg
E End: Jct US 50 in west La Junta
Counties: Huerfano, Las Animas, Pueblo, Otero
Places: Walsenburg, Hawley, La Junta
Milepost Guide:
- 0.00: I-25 Exit 50 interchange east of Walsenburg
(begin SH 10 in Huerfano County)
- 20.95: Enter Las Animas County
- 28.59: Enter Pueblo County
- 43.05: Enter Otero County
- 62.37: West jct SH 71, Hawley
- 62.88: East jct SH 71, Hawley
- 71.96: US 50, La Junta (end SH 10)
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 680 at I-25/US 160
- 360 east of Otero CR 11
- 600 east of SH 71, Hawley
- 920 at US 50, La Junta
SH 10 is an original 1920s cross-state highway. It started
at the Utah border northwest of Dove Creek, and went east to
Walsenburg via Yellow Jacket, Dolores, Cortez, Durango,
Pagosa Springs, and Alamosa. By 1936 it was extended from
Walsenburg northeast to La Junta, and was paved from Cortez
to Durango and Del Norte to Fort Garland. By 1938 SH 10 used
a more direct route from Utah to Cortez, and was not paved
only over Wolf Creek Pass and from Walsenburg to La Junta.
Wolf Creek Pass was paved by 1954, and the Walsenburg-La
Junta section paved by 1960. The section west of Walsenburg
was eliminated in the purge of 1968. For more on the US
highways that used SH 10, see US
160 and US
Location: Northern Mountains
Alignment: Wolcott to Kremmling via State Bridge
This SH 11 was an original 1920s highway along current
SH 131 from Wolcott north to State Bridge, and then
northeast along current Eagle CR Trough Rd./Grand CR 1
(Colorado River alignment) to end at SH 9 in Kremmling. Was
deleted about 1950, with SH 131 taking over the old portion
of SH 11 from Wolcott to State Bridge, while the rest
was turned back. At it disappearance, no portion of SH
11 had yet been paved.
Location: Colorado Springs
Alignment: Current I-25 between the north and south
Nevada Avenue interchanges
In 1960 the US 85-87 freeway through Colorado Springs
was completed, and the section between the two Nevada Avenue
interchanges was given the carrier route SH 11. The
US 85-87 freeway north and south of the two Nevada Avenue
interchanges had the carrier route SH 1. Eliminated
in the purge of 1968.
Location: Julesburg (extreme Northeastern
Length*: 1.35mi
S End: Jct US 138-385 at the west Julesburg city
N End: Nebraska border north of Julesburg (no
connection to a state highway)
Counties: Sedgwick
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008): 530
E-mail from Andrew Field:
I took SH-11 quite a bit in the early 1990s;
a friend of mine from Laramie lived in Julesburg, and he
took me to his uncle's farm in Nebraska and to his
grandfather's house in Julesburg. Anyway, SH-11 is neat
because it actually avoids the town of Julesburg
entirely. There is an old route that leaves SH-11 and
goes through the town to meet U.S. 138-385 right by the
RR tracks. This cut-off into Julesburg comes right after
crossing the border from Nebraska -- you'd then turn left
to go into Julesburg. The road ends up in "downtown"
Julesburg, where you'll see a junction sign with a
California-style U.S. 385 shield and a regular U.S. 138
shield side-by-side. Just east of Julesburg, there is a
relatively new U.S. 385 bridge that goes over the
railroad and connects to I-76. A good part of the town's
economy today is based on I-76.
Routing was never a state highway before it became SH 11
about 1971. Unchanged since then, as near as I can tell.
Location: South Front Range
Length*: 70.83mi
NW End: Jct US 160 north of La Veta
SE End: Jct I-25 Exit 13 at Main Street, Trinidad
Counties: Huerfano, Las Animas
Places: La Veta, Cuchara, Cucharas Pass, Stonewall,
Weston, Segundo, Trinidad
Mountain Passes: Cucharas Pass (9,941 ft; 5.9%
grade north side; 5.4% grade south side)
Scenic & Historic Byways: Highway of Legends
Milepost Guide:
- 0.00: US 160 north of Le Veta (begin SH 12 in Huerfano County)
- 22.30: Enter Las Animas County
- 70.49: Animas St/Nevada Ave, Trinidad (end SH 12)
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 1600 at US 160
- 2800 at Ryus Ave., La Veta
- 860 south of La Veta
- 980 east of CR 21.6, Vigil
- 2400 east of Segundo/Valdez
- 3300 east of Cokedale
- 7800 at I-25 underpass, Trinidad
After starting at US 160, SH 12 heads south through La Veta on Main
Street and along the the Cucharas River. SH 12 passes through the
crossroads town of Cuchara then begins climbing up to Cucharas Pass.
The top of the pass and many miles southward are dominated by green,
high meadows.
As it continues south, SH 12 bounces from creek valley to creek valley,
passing several recreation lakes. One is Monument Lake where some maps
also show a "town" of Monument Park, but all that's there is a vacation
Eventually SH 12 drops to the Purgatoire River at Stonewall. It takes
an abrupt east turn through a gap in what is indeed a stone wall, and
follows the Purgatoire through the Picketwire Valley all the way to
Trinidad. Along the way are some coal mines and the settlements of
Vigil, Weston, Segundo and Valdez.
SH 12 has a route in Trinidad that requires being a double-jointed
snake to follow. Coming into town, SH 12 goes east on Robinson Ave,
north on San Juan St, east on Stonewall Ave, north on Prospect St, east
on University St and under I-25. It then turns south on Nevada Ave,
west on Main St, then finally meets I-25 at Exit 13.
Photo Gallery:
- Start of SH 12. The starting point of SH 12, looking southwest from US 160. Photo by David Herrera. (March 2005)
- North Cucharas Pass Descent. Northbound SH 12 dropping down the north side of Cucharas Pass. (June 2014)
- Cucharas Pass Southbound View • Northbound Signs.
Two shots at the top of Cucharas Pass, which was green and filled with
wildflowers at the time they were taken. For some reason CDOT called it
"Cuchara" Pass on the signs. (June 2014)
- North of North Lake. A quiet scene in a green, high meadow about four mile north of North Lake, looking south along SH 12. (June 2014)
- North Lake Shore. Looking north along SH 12 as it hugs the western shore of North Lake. (June 2014)
- Stonewall Approach. Westbound SH 12 as it approaches Stonewall, and its namesake stone wall. (June 2014)
- Stone Wall.
Yes, it's an actual stone wall, a slab that's been turned vertically by
geologic forces and rises about 350 feet. SH 12 goes through a gap in
it the same place the Middle Fork Purgatoire River does. (June 2014)
- Coal Conveyor.
This overhead conveyor west of Weston carries coal from the hillside
south over the highway to the terminal. The angle of the conveyor makes
it look like it's holding up the peaks of the Sangre de Cristo
Mountains, many miles to the west. (June 2014)
- West of Trinidad. The scenery looking west along SH 12, about 12 miles west of Trinidad. Photo by David Herrera. (March 2005)
- Left Turn on San Juan Street.
Westbound SH 12 takes a left turn here from Stonewall Ave onto San Juan
St in Trinidad and is marked with this faded greenboard. (August 2010)
- Nevada at Animas. This is north on Nevada Ave at Animas St in Trinidad. Turn left here to take westbound SH 12. (August 2010)
- I-25 Exit Ramp Sign.
The northbound offramp at Exit 13 has this sign on it, featuring SH
12's scenic byway. It's a little unusual to have to turn right to go
west while heading north, but SH 12's funky route through Trinidad
necessitates it. (June 2014)
Another remnant of the original state highway that was
longer. The original 1920s SH 12 started in Stonewall at
SH 111 and went east to Trinidad and northeast to La
Junta. By 1939 it was paved from Weston to Trinidad, and all
paved by 1946. By 1954, SH 111
was turned back so SH 12 had an end dangling at nothing at Stonewall.
It was extended north to US 160, not paved over Cucharas Pass, by 1970.
Cucharas Pass was paved by 1971.
SH 12's end in Trinidad was changed in August 2004 with the
permanent closing of the Exit 14A University St interchange. Since SH
12 no longer had a direct interchange to I-25 at University, an extention of Nevada
Ave southward to Main St was built to help traffic connect with the
Exit 13 Main St interchange.
350 took over the Trinidad-La Junta section of SH 12 in
Location: Northwest Mountains
Length*: 128.07mi
S End: 7th Street/Airport Road south of I-70 Exit 90 in Rifle
N End: Wyoming border just south of Baggs, connecting
to WY
789 (link to Andy Field's site)
Counties: Garfield, Rio Blanco, Moffat
Places: Rifle, Rio Blanco, Meeker, Hamilton, Craig
NHS: While concurrent with US 40 in Craig.
Auxiliary Route: To SH 13, a local-mainainted route through downtown Rifle
Memorial Designations: In Moffat County
SH 13 is designated the Major William Adams Medal of Honor Highway.
Major Adams, from Craig, was killed in Vietnam in 1971 and posthumously
awarded the Medal of Honor.
Milepost Guide:
- 0.00: 7th Street/Airport Road in Rifle (begin SH 13 in Garfield County)
- 0.10: I-70 Exit 90 interchange south of Rifle
- 0.54: East jct US 6/Railroad Ave., Rifle
- 0.97: West jct US 6, Rifle
- 4.11: SH 325 north of Rifle
- 16.91: Enter Rio Blanco County
- 39.01: SH 64 west of Meeker
- 57.25: Enter Moffat County
- 75.79: SH 317, Hamilton
- 88.63: West jct US 40, Craig
- 89.58: East jct US 40/4th St./Victory Way,
- 128.07: Wyoming border (end SH 13)
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 18,000 at I-70
- 5500 on US 6/SH 13, Rifle
- 14,800 north of Railroad Ave.
- 3300 north of SH 325
- 3300 north of CR 5, Rio Blanco
- 5300 northeast of SH 64
- 7800 at 10th Street, Meeker
- 1800 north of CR 15
- 2200 north of SH 317, Hamilton
- 5300 south of US 40
- On US 40/SH 13 in Craig (2 one-way streets): 8700 eastbound, 9500 westbound
- 5300 north of US 40
- 1600 north of CR 18S
- 1500 north of CR 38
- 860 at Wyoming border
Guide: SH 13 starts at the I-70 south frontage road at
Exit 90, a roundabout at 7th St/Airport Rd. From the I-70 interchange,
SH 13 heads north across the Colorado River to US 6 in
central Rifle at the
intersection of Railroad Ave. and 1st St. SH 13 turns west along US 6,
then on the west side of town heads north on the Rifle bypass. North of
town SH 13 follows the valley of Government Creek, going along the west
side of the
Grand Hogback. Near the Garfield/Rio Blanco County line, SH 13 climbs
out of the Government Creek valley up Rio Blanco Divide, dropping into
another valley on the other side at Rio Blanco. It then picks up Sheep
Creek and follows that to Meeker, crossing the White River and
intersecting SH 64 just west of town.
SH 13 follows Market St. through Meeker, then picks up Curtis
Creek heading north. SH 13 then climbs up and over Nine Mile Gap,
dropping into the Good Spring Creek valley for awhile. It then drifts
northeast over the rolling terrain, eventually hitting US 40 on the
west side of
Craig. SH 13 turns east along US 40, they split onto two one-way
then at Yampa St. SH 13 turns north through downtown. North of Craig SH
13 follows Fortification
Creek north most of the way to Wyoming. It meets the border just south
of Baggs.
Photo Gallery:
- Through Traffic Has Two Ways to SH 13.
Signage on northbound SH 13 approaching US 6. Trucks are told to turn
left on US 6 to use the bypass west of Rifle, while other traffic can
continue straight ahead on Railroad Avenue through downtown. The route
through downtown is not state-maintained. (July 2005)
- North End of Rifle Bypass.
Overhead signage on southbound SH 13 approaching downtown. In this
direction all through traffic is directed onto the bypass. (July 2005)
- Night Speed Limit. SH 13 has a 55 mph night speed limit. The limit was implemented in an effort to reduce auto-wildlife collisions. (May 2008)
- Rio Blanco Divide Construction: Temporary Signal • Foam Blocks for Fill.
Just south of the Garfield/Rio Blanco County line, a CDOT project was
reconstructing SH 13 at a high fill at Rio Blanco Divide. Traffic was
on a one-lane temporary gravel road. (May 2008)
- North of Rio Blanco. The view along northbound SH 13 several miles north of Rio Blanco. (May 2008)
- SH 64 Intersection. Northbound approaching the SH 64 intersection west of Meeker. (May 2008)
- Meeker. The view along northbound SH 13 as it travels Market Street through Meeker. (May 2008)
- Nine Mile Gap. The view up northbound SH 13 as it climbs up Nine Mile Gap 9 miles north of Meeker. (May 2008)
- Iles Mountain Striations. Southwest of Hamilton northbound SH 13 gets this view of geologic history in the side of Iles Mountain. (May 2008)
- Craig Eastbound One-Way Split. Signs at the hard right turn where eastbound US 40/SH 13 splits onto its two one-way streets in Craig. (May 2008)
- Wyoming Border.
At the Wyoming border SH 13 comes into Colorado and drops down into the
valley of Timberlake Creek. Up ahead you can see the "Welcome to
Colorful Colorado" sign. (May 2008)
SH 13 is an original 1920s highway. By 1936 it was paved
from Hamilton to Craig, and by 1947 was paved in its
entirety. By 1974 SH 13 was realigned to so that southwest
of Craig it hit US 40 a little west of where it used to,
which was previously Ranney Street. In Rifle SH 13 was
extended south from US 6 to I-70 about 1977, and SH 13 was
realigned on the bypass to the west of town by 1985.
Location: North Mountains > North Front Range
> Northeast Plains
Length*: 236.92mi
W End: Jct US 40 at Muddy Pass east of Steamboat
E End: Jct US 6 in Sterling
Counties: Jackson, Larimer, Weld, Logan
Places: Walden, Gould, Cameron Pass, Cache la Poudre
Canyon, Fort Collins, Ault, Briggsdale, Raymer, Sterling
See the separate SH 14 page for the remainder of the information.
Location: San Luis Valley
Length*: 22.89mi
NW End: Jct US 160-285 in Monte Vista
SE End: Jct US 285 at La Jara
Counties: Conejos, Rio Grande
Places: Monte Vista, Centro, Capulin, La Jara
Broken Route: Section turned back to the county:
From the Conejos/Rio Grande County Line to Centro, 8.02
miles long.
Milepost Guide:
- 0.00: US 160-285, Monte Vista (begin SH
15 in Rio Grande County)
- 10.41: SH 370
- 12.37: CR 12S, Rio Grande/Conejos County line (end
SH 15)
- 20.39: CR 9, Centro (begin SH 15 in Conejos County)
- 26.56: SH 371
- 30.91: US 285, La Jara (end SH 15)
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 3400 at US 160-285, Monte Vista
- 970 south of CR 1S
- 200 south of SH 370
- 980 at Capulin
- 1100 east of SH 371
- 1300 at US 285, La Jara
SH 15 starts at the US 160-285 intersection at Broadway St.
and 1st Ave. in Monte Vista, then heads due south. It goes
12.3 miles, then at the Conejos/Alamosa County Line abruptly
becomes Conejos CR 6. If you continue south on CR 6 to
Centro, SH 15 will appear again, and take you due east for
10.6 miles through Capulin, ending at US 285 at La Jara.
Another small piece of what's left of an original, longer
highway. The 1920s SH 15 started at La Jara, went west to
Capulin, north to Monte Vista, Saguache, Poncha Springs,
east to Salida, and north to SH 4 at Buena Vista. By
1936 it was paved from Salida to Buena Vista. By 1946 it was
rerouted west of Salida along current US 285, and was not
paved from La Jara to south of Monte Vista. The gap from
Centro to the county line appeared by 1954, and SH 15 was
paved in its entirety by 1957. In the purge of 1968, SH 15
was scaled back to what it is now. For info on the US
highways that used SH 15's routing, see US
285 and US
Location: Northern Mountains > North Front
Range > Eastern Plains
Alignment: Granby to Wiggins via Loveland and Greeley
Original 1920s state highway, which started at SH
2 at Granby and went east via current US 34 to Greeley.
By 1936 it was paved in Rocky Mountain National Park and
from the mouth of Big Thompson Canyon to Greeley. By 1938,
SH 2 was realigned northeast of Denver and SH
16 was extended from Greeley to Wiggins, and it was all
paved except for a section north of Granby. SH 16 was
paved in its entirety by 1947, and was eliminated in the
purge of 1968. See US
34 for more.
Location: Fountain (South Front
Length*: 3.11mi
W End: Jct I-25 Exit 132 at Fountain
E End: Jct SH 21/Powers Blvd/Mesa Ridge Pkwy
Counties: El Paso
NHS: Entire length
Expressway: Four-lane divided
Roadway Names: Mesa Ridge
Milepost Guide:
- 0.00: I-25 Exit 132 interchange (begin SH
- 1.00: US 85 interchange
- 3.11: SH 21/Powers Blvd/Mesa Ridge Pkwy (end SH 16)
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 21,400 at I-25
- 18,700 east of US 85
SH 16 starts at an interchange on I-25, which has SH 16 going
off to the east and an entrance into Fort Carson Gate 20 going off to
the west.
From I-25 SH 16 goes southeast to US 85,
which runs southeast from Security-Widefield to Fountain. That junction
is a folded diamond interchange with SH 16 as the through route. The
ramps "lay" off to the west side of the interchange, due to a railway
running along the east side of US 85. SH 16 goes over US 85 and the
railway, then meets the Syracuse St intersection, winds through the north side
of Fountain, and eventually begins to curve to the north. At an
intersection, Mesa Ridge turns east while the road continues north as
Powers Blvd, and SH 16 ends, and SH 21 begins. SH 16 and SH 21 end at
each other. Photo Gallery:
- Signs
on US 85. Marker assembly on northbound US 85 at
the eastbound SH 16 ramp. You can also see the overpass
for SH 16 going over US 85 and the railroad. (September
Became a state highway in 1971, and went from I-25 east to US 85 via
Carson Blvd., with a length of *1.15mi. By 1976, SH 16 is defined as
going from I-25 southeast, ending at Quebec Street in Widefield
Subdivision, with a length of *1.26mi, *0.29mi of which are "projected"
(Quebec is about 0.3mi east of US 85), so for that period it had its
east end at US 85-87. SH 16's interchange with US 85-87 was built in
the mid-1980s. Sometime in the 1990s it was extended east to Syracuse
Street for a total length of *1.31mi.
Mesa Ridge Pkwy from Syracuse east to Powers Blvd
came onto the state system October 1, 2007, as part of the massive swap
that brought Powers into
the state system. CDOT began upgrading the I-25 diamond interchange in 2008
in anticipation of thousands of new troops being stationed at Fort
Carson. The SB I-25 to EB SH 16 loop ramp opened in January 2009.
Location: San Luis Valley
Length*: 118.86mi total; 88.89mi marked
SW End: New Mexico border south of Cumbres Pass,
connecting to NM 17 (link to Steve Riner's site)
NE End: Jct US 285 south of Villa Grove
Counties: Archuleta, Conejos, Alamosa,
Places: Cumbres Pass, La Manga Pass, Antonito,
Alamosa, Mosca, Hooper, Moffat, Mineral Hot Springs
Broken Route: 30mi gap along US 285 from Antonito to Alamosa.
- Southern Section
Location: Southern Mountains > San Luis Valley
Length*: 39.05mi
W End: Becomes NM 17
E End: Jct US 285 in Antonito
- Northern Section
Location: San Luis Valley
Length*: 49.84mi
S End: Jct US 160 in Alamosa
N End: Jct US 285 south of Villa Grove
Mountain Passes:
- Cumbres Pass (10,022ft; 6.3% grade)
- La Manga Pass (10,230ft; 5.2% grade)
Scenic & Historic Byways: Los Caminos Antiguos (entire southern section, and Alamosa to Mosca)
Milepost Guide:
- 0.00: New Mexico border (begin SH 17 in Archuleta County)
- 1.21: Enter Conejos County
- 39.05: US 285, Antonito (end SH 17)
- 69.02: US 160, Alamosa (begin SH 17 in Alamosa County)
- 88.19: SH 112, Enter Saguache County, Hooper
- 118.86: US 285 (end SH
Annual Average Daily Traffic (2008):
- 500 at New Mexico border
- 640 east of CR 250
- 1500 west of US 285
- 4000 north of US 160, Alamosa
- 2400 north of CR 6S
- 1800 north of CR 5N, Mosca
- 1400 north of SH 112, Hooper
- 1100 north of CR U-60, Moffat
- 1100 at US 285
SH 17's southern section is a scenic drive through the
Rio Grande National Forest. It starts at the New Mexico border
northeast of Chama, climbing up Wolf Creek to Cumbres Pass. The stretch
also parallels the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad narrow-gage line
for some miles, which crosses SH 17 several times. From Cumbres Pass
to La Manga Pass, SH 17 stays in the high-mountain valley of Cumbres
Creek, and after cresting La Manga it drops down into the Conejos River
valley. SH 17 follows the Conejos east to Antonito, where its southern
section ends at an intersection with US 285 on the south side of town.
SH 17's northern section starts at US 160 in east Alamosa, and
then takes an arrow-straight, 50-mile diagonal alignment northwest
through the east side of the San Luis Valley. Along the way Mosca,
Hooper and Moffat are passed through. Just north of Mineral Hot Springs
(which is just a spa lodge) SH 17 ends at US 285.
Photo Gallery:
- New Mexico Border. Northbound at the mini welcome sign as NM 17 becomes SH 17. (August 2010)
- Southbound Cumbres Pass Descent. The view descending down Cumbres Pass toward New Mexico. (August 2010)
- Cumbres Pass Summit: Modern Marker • Historic Marker • View Southbound.
The SH 17 summit of Cumbres Pass also features a rail crossing of the
C&TSRR and a station house. The historic marker is attached to a
boulder adjacent to the station house parking lot. (August 2010)
- Open Range. Cattle on SH 17 in an open range section between La Manga and Cumbres passes. (August 2010)
- La Manga Pass Summit: Marker • Southbound SH 17. Two pictures at the summit of La Manga Pass. (August 2010)
- Green Splendor of the Rio Grande National Forest.
This vantage point near a switchback on the north side of La Manga Pass
looks out over another level of SH 17 below, and northwest further up
the Conejos River valley. (August 2010)
- Climbing La Manga Pass, Conejos River Bridge.
Westbound SH 17 at the point it leaves the Conejos River valley,
crossing it on a bridge, and begins climbing up toward La Manga Pass.
(August 2010)
- Conejos River Valley. Westbound SH 17 as the valley for the Conejos River gets narrower, west of Antonito. (August 2010)
- Leaving Alamosa. Distance sign on northbound SH 17 as it leaves Alamosa. (July 2013)
- North of Moffat. Typical San Luis Valley scenery on northbound SH 17 just north of Moffat. (July 2013)
- End SH 17, US 285. End sign for SH 17 as northbound is about to merge onto US 285 north of Mineral Hot Springs with a high-speed ramp. (July 2013)
The broken nature of SH 17 is indicative of the original
1920s highway. It started at Pagosa Springs, went southeast
to New Mexico, reappeared east of there, went northeast
through Cumbres, Antonito, Alamosa and Moffat, ending at SH
near Mineral Hot Springs. By 1936, SH 17 was paved from Antonito to
Alamosa. US 84 took over the section from Pagosa Springs to New Mexico
in 1942. The diagonal alignment through the San Luis Valley, while just
about every other road is at a right angle, dates to SH 17 following
the alignment of the D&RGW railroad Salida-Alamosa line.
US 285 was routed over SH 17's section from New Mexico at
Cumbres to Alamosa in 1935. US 285 was moved off of the
Cumbres-Antonito section of SH 17 and to its own border crossing in
1942. By 1954 the only section not paved was from New Mexico to
Antonito. By 1965 the only sections not paved where over Cumbres
and La Manga Passes. In the purge of 1968, the sections concurrent with
US highways were eliminated leaving only the two sections there are
now. SH 17 was paved in its entirety by 1970.
For info on the US
highways that have used SH 17, see US
84 and US 285.
Location: Northeastern Plains
Alignment: Went from US 138 at Ovid due west, then
stairstepping southwest to Sedgwick, then due west ending at
Julesburg Reservoir
Location: South Front Range > Arkansas
Alignment: Current US 50 from I-25 east to Jct BR US
50 near Avondale
This SH 18 was entirely only a carrier route for
the US 50 expressway from Pueblo east out to Avondale. The
expressway started being built in 1958 and US 50 was run
along it. This SH 18 was eliminated in the purge of
Location: Larkspur (South Front Range)
Length*: 0.29mi
E End: Jct I-25 Exit 172 north of Larkspur
W End: Jct Douglas CR north of Larkspur
Came into the state system in 1973, and went from I-25 Exit
172, west across railroad tracks, up a hill to a stop sign
at Spruce Mountain Road just north of Larkspur, for a grand
total of 1531 feet. It was in my view a totally worthless
road to have as a state highway, and in fact was the
shortest state highway of its day. It wasn't even signed on
I-25, instead the exit was called Upper Lake Gulch Road.
FYI, Spruce Mountain Road also has its own interchange
with I-25 (Exit 173) which is about a half mile north of the
SH 18 intersection. However, Exit 173 is only a
partial, and you can go only from Spruce Mountain Rd. to
I-25 NB, and from I-25 SB to Spruce Mountain Rd. Seeing
this, you could make a case that SH 18 gives access
to the directions that aren't available with Exit 173, but
it's not enough for me.
SH 18 was turned back to Douglas County sometime
in the 1999-2001 period. It is not shown on the 1999 CDOT
map, but is listed in the 2000 traffic database (407 cars
per day!). I noticed that its lone marker, photographed
below, had been replaced with a Douglas CR 56 marker in late
summer 2001.
Photo Gallery:
- All
of SH 18. Here's SH 18 in all its glory.
It's sad when you can fit an entire state highway in a
single picture frame. This is looking east from Spruce
Mountain Road. The barn in the center of the picture is
on the other side of I-25. SH 18 ends at an
interchange just to the lower left of the barn. This sign
was the only mention of SH 18 you ever saw in the
field. (July 1998)
Location: Southwestern Mountains
Alignment: New Mexico to Montrose via US 550
Original 1920s highway. After 1926, SH 19 served
basically as only a carrier route for US
550. By 1946 the only section of SH 19 not
paved was from the La Plata/San Juan County Line north to
Ouray, and by 1954 the only sections not paved were the
areas over Molas Divide and Red Mountain Pass. Red Mountain
Pass was paved by 1955, and Molas Divide paved by 1957.
SH 19 was eliminated in the purge of 1968.